chakrARTE series

a deep dive into the energy wheels along your spine through holistic and visual arts practices

long-term self-study

Reconnect to the energy wheels along your spine.

This program guides you inward.

chakrARTE program

11 x 3- hour workshops + exhibition dedicated to the self-study of the 7 major chakras.

Explore all 7 major energy centers from root to crown in depth throughout this transformational long-term program merging restful yoga and holistic practices with visual art and creativity. Create the time to study layers of your consciousness from the very foundation of family and home environment, emotions, will power and self-esteem, social interactions, communication, intuition, and divine wisdom to reconnect to the divine unconditional Love of which we are all made.

Create artworks inspired by your discoveries.

Includes: 11 x 3-hour workshops (Intro to chakras, Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vissudha, Ajna, Sahasrara, 3x Visual Arts) and a virtual exhibition to share your works with friends and family.

long-term exploration of the 7 major chakras.

Contact us to bring the chakras and visual arts to your studio, school, or organization.

Offered virtually via Zoom and in person upon request.

Natalia’s chakra series was a unique and profound experience. It challenged me to consciously connect to my body, emotions, heart, spirit, and tap into my creativity. My only expectation when I signed up was to learn more about the chakras, but little did I know that was just one small portion of the program. I was able to learn so much about myself while going through a deep transformational process. The lovely part of it all was that I was supported the whole time. Natalia and the rest of the group will be in my heart forever.” Jasmine Alvarez, 2017

2023 chakrARTE dates


3-hour virtual gatherings for deep practice of self-study

Sample Outline:

1.) Intro

2.) Muladhara/Root

3.) Svadhisthana/Sacrum

4.) Visual Arts Session

5.) Manipura/Solar Plexus

6.) Anahata/Heart

7.) Visual Arts Session

8.) Vishuddha/Throat

9.) Ajna/Third Eye

10.) Visual Arts Session

11.) Sahasrara/Crown

12.) Virtual Gathering and Online Exhibition

explore if this program is

for you by completing this

self-reflection form

Natalia’s chakra series incorporated yoga, meditation, journaling and chakra work. The combination of these practices along with Natalia’s gentle, purposeful guidance brought me revelations about deep-seated fears I was previously unaware of. I took this series years ago but I still reflect on a dream that I had the night after we started work on our root chakra. To this day, I get chills thinking about how I confronted myself with a message. If you can commit to the time, do yourself a favor and do this important work with Natalia. ” Jenn Ubiera, 2016

Chakra Exploration

Who are you? What binds you? Are you ready to set yourself free?

The exploration of the chakras leads to an incredibly powerful experience that has the opportunity to bring you into awareness of your personal, familial and socially/culturally inherited patterns and belief systems, inter-generationally, and beyond. We are energetic beings and energy affects all aspects of our lives. Traveling internally inevitably brings to light aspects of your life in need of Love and transformation, and gives you the chance to choose acceptance and create positive change when and where needed. This, in turn, attunes you to your highest source of Love and infinite potential.

Throughout this program, you’ll tap into layers of consciouness, while clearing space to align your dreams with your reality. You’ll learn your strengths and vulnerabilities and receive tools to direct your efforts in a meaningful and inspired way. You’ll be encouraged to release all effort and tune into a space of BE-ing so that it is your inner world and your spiritual crew that guides you, instead of external factors.

Together we’ll honor Mother Nature and her cycles and turn to her for wisdom and guidance as we travel through our own internal landscapes. We’ll see the interrelation among the way we treat ourselves internally and the way we treat our planet and all living beings.

All sessions encourage deep rest, Love for all parts of ourselves and eachother, and each builds on the previous one for a complete experience.

Each Session Includes:



Group Discussion and Activities

Inner World Exploration

Energy-based Practice

Deep Rest

Concentration Techniques

Pranayama (Breath Control)



Programmed Behaviors

Family Dynamics

Belief Systems


Emotional Imbalances

Communication Blockages

Limiting Thought Patterns





Inner Calm






Creativity Workshops

As you go through this very personal experience, develop creative skills to process your thoughts and emotions. Honor your growth and transformation by producing beautiful works of art that physically and symbolically represent what you were once bearing the weight of internally. Learn photography and mixed media skills along with an introduction to key artists throughout history.

A virtual gathering and exhibition for friends and family is held at the end of the series.

Offer chakrARTE program to your community or organization.

chakrARTE can be formatted to suit your community’s needs. Please reach out and we can determine how best to nurture your people.

Find your center, your home within.

long-term Practice and Dedication

11 workshops for Inward Guidance

7 major chakras to explore the Energy that Creates you

5 elements to remember your innate Wisdom and Connection

3 visual art evenings of Creativity and Self-Expression

1 exhibition to Share with Family and Friends

“Taking Natalia’s chakra workshop series was one of the most unique experiences I’ve ever had since starting on my yoga journey. Not only did it open my eyes to the concept of chakras but also meditation. I’ll never forget the connection we all made with each other in her workshops because the space provided was so open and genuine. I witnessed strangers become friends, grown men cry, and I got to know myself a little better. Natalia’s amazing energy radiates through in everything she does, and her workshops are no exception.” Diana Marten, 2015

Intro to Seven Major Chakras

What Are Chakras?

Explore all 7 major energy centers from root to crown as an overview for the weeks ahead. Even if you have already attended the intro to chakras workshop, new information is revealed from within every time.

Muladhara Chakra


Early life relationships, family dynamics, health, physical development, grounding, work, finances, fear, trust.

Svadhisthana Chakra


Emotions, intimacy, sexuality, desire, guilt, movement, creation.

Manipura Chakra

Solar Plexus

Will power, self worth, self-esteem, ego, actions, anger, shame.

Anahata Chakra


Healing, love, balance, harmony, grief, forgiveness, social interactions.

Vissudha Chakra


Communication, self-expression, inner truth, creativity, lies.

Ajna Chakra

Third Eye

Intuition, visualization,  ideas, dreams, archetypes, vision, perception.

Sahasrara Chakra


Divinity, purpose, unity, oneness, wisdom, madness, collective harmony.


Express Your Feelings 

As you face internal situations, develop artistic skills to create beauty from your experiences. We’ll meet 3 times for creative workshops aimed at providing an outlet for your emotions. At the end of the series, you’ll have works of art to show your process and invite friends and family to an virtual exhibition.


+1(305) 414-4160

This is an anti-racist, queer friendly space. No exceptions.


Virtual | Worldwide


Español, Français


Open by appointment.

Art viewings, private holistic or visual art sessions.

Scheduled workshops, classes, lectures, exhibitions, and events.


All content © 2024 Natalia Vásquez | Heart in Brain Studios, Inc

Reproduction of content (including images/text/offerings) from this site and any related sites is not permitted without required written consent by author.

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of Natalia ©Ximena Diaz