Deepen your knowledge, return to your wisdom.

Immerse yourself in creative and holistic workshops.

live, breathe, meditate

3-hour workshop on pranayama (breathing) and dharana (concentration) techniques leading to dhyana (meditation)

live, breathe, meditate

3-hour workshop on Pranayama and Concentration Techniques that lead to Meditation.

Have you wondered how it feels to be in a state of meditation? Would you like to delve deeper into an already established concentration practice? Does it ever seem scary to close your eyes and sit in stillness?

In this workshop you’ll be guided to send your gaze inward and learn to apply the powerful tools of pranayama (breath) and dharana (concentration) into your daily life. You’ll learn breathing techniques, create affirmations, and practice various types of exercises to discover what works best for you at this point in your life.

Together, we’ll explore the landscapes of our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations, with a focus on gaining awareness of where you are and what you need. With concentration you have the power to reprogram your mental, emotional, and physical realities to create a life that aligns with your highest, spiritual Self. We’ll also talk about some of the realities of this practice (not all rainbows and glitter) and how to face any inner turbulence with courage, while focusing on techniques that lead to dhyana (meditation.)

3-hour workshop on Pranayama and Concentration Techniques that lead to Meditation.

Contact us to bring live, breathe, meditate to your studio, school, or organization.

Offered virtually via Zoom and in person upon request.


Este taller de 3 horas incluye una conversación sobre las realidades de la práctica de meditación y una variedad de ejercicios cortos de respiración y técnicas de concentración que abren las puertas de conciencia hacia los estados de meditación. Los ejercicios son acompañados por la oportunidad de reflexionar en tu diario. Saldrás con más claridad sobre las prácticas que mejor te hacen sentir en esta etapa de tu vida.

intro to the 7 major chakras

3-hour workshop exploring the chakras (energy wheels) and how they create our lives

intro to the seven major chakras

Explore all 7 major energy centers from root to crown in this 3-hour introductory workshop.

This is an embodied experience of the energy centers through journaling, open discussion, and most importantly, practice. Take the time to explore layers of your consciousness starting with the very foundation of family and home environment, emotions, will power, social interactions, self-expression, intuition, and divine wisdom. Discover which areas of your life could benefit from more Love and new ways to create balance.

In this workshop we’ll briefly touch on the major energy centers of Muladhara, Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vissudha, Ajna, and Sahasrara, the seven major centers from the base of your spine to the crown of your head.

3 hour workshop introducing the 7 major chakras, or energy centers.

Contact us to bring the chakras and visual arts to your studio, school, or organization.

Offered virtually via Zoom and in person upon request.


En este taller de 3 horas conversaremos sobre la práctica de auto exploración basada en las energías de los 7 chakras (ruedas de energía) mayores. Una corta presentación introductoria sobre los chakras, reflexión en tu diario, y una practica de descanso profundo enfocada en cada centro, te ayudará a descubrir donde podrás beneficiar del equilibrio en este momento de tu vida.

i heART rest

an exploration of restful practices: yin, restorative, conscious REST*, pranayama (breath), dharana and dhyana (concentration + meditation) and visual arts

4-week workshop series or 1.5-day weekend intensive

i heART rest

4 x 2-hour workshops or 1.5 day intensive dedicated to establishing a practice of deep rest into your lifestyle.

It is important to create space for moments of deep rest in your inner world. When you practice stillness and focus on your breath, you return to your center. We are living in a time of external chaos and in order to transform it, we must go inside and organize the chaos within our own minds and hearts, while at the same time dismantling external systems in place that negatively affect our health.

With the wisdom that all emotions are valid and are here to teach us, the time has come to learn from your own personal emotional guidance system and know what you are working with. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to check-in and self-inventory so as to face what is happening internally and externally from a space of clarity and calm.

Does my mind seem overactive?

Have my emotions needed more attention lately?

Do I feel tension in my physical body?

Does my breath feel shallow and stuck?

Do I feel tired and overworked?

Does guilt kick in whenever I try to slow down, as if I’m not DO-ing enough?

Do I feel lethargic and unable to focus on and complete tasks?

If you answered yes to any of these questions- another important question is:

Am I exhausted of feeling exhausted and ready to establish a practice of deep rest in my life?

i heart rest  is a 4-week workshop series, or a 1.5-day weekend intensive, where we focus on restful practices as a means to explore your reality beyond just the physical body and tap into the subtle energetic body. Over the course of 1 month, or the intensive weekend, you’ll gain tools for inner world observation and management as we progressively enter deeper practices of stillness to calm your body, mind, heart, and spirit. You’ll be able to apply these tools at home and use them for the rest of your life.

In the first session we will set an intention for the duration of your program and each session will include journaling and visualization.

The last session ends with a visual arts activity. You’ll end with a self-created work of art that represents what you have been working towards and what your vision is moving forward.

i heart rest  will leave you feeling replenished and energized beyond your imagination, by simply encouraging you to be still, listen with your heart, and reclaim your right to guilt-free REST that reconnects you to the Love within you.

General art supplies are needed for the visual arts activity and a list will be provided upon registration. Blankets, pillows, blocks, and a strap are needed for practice. These items can be found around your home.

This is a 4 part workshop series to delve gradually and deeply into rest. The 4 parts are experienced over the course of 4 weeks, or an intensive weekend.

Contact us to bring this workshop to your studio, or organization.

Offered virtually via Zoom and in person upon request.

Ready for a long-term program? Check out the chakrARTE series.

11 workshops on the chakras and creativity and an exhibition of works created.


+1(305) 414-4160

This is an anti-racist, queer friendly space. No exceptions.


Virtual | Worldwide


Español, Français


Open by appointment.

Art viewings, private holistic or visual art sessions.

Scheduled workshops, classes, lectures, exhibitions, and events.


All content © 2024 Natalia Vásquez | Heart in Brain Studios, Inc

Reproduction of content (including images/text/offerings) from this site and any related sites is not permitted without required written consent by author.

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of Natalia ©Ximena Diaz